
An accordion shows the user a small amount of content and gives them the option to reveal more content by expanding the accordion.

How to use an accordion

When using accordions:

  • Group accordions with related information together to help users scan the content, for example in frequently asked questions sections
  • Hide additional information that isn’t needed at that moment for a user to complete their task. For example, hide the billing address when the user is completing the delivery address
  • Make sure hidden content in a collapsed accordion cannot be accessed by screen reader and keyboard users is this here
Current active theme is Sainsbury's. You can see all developer documentation on our Fable Storybook site.
Accordion Item 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sapiente quod dolorum possimus alias provident. Ducimus ab, obcaecati deserunt laboriosam rem expedita illo nisi iste nobis, perferendis harum vel voluptas mollitia!
Accordion Item 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corporis rerum saepe officiis architecto enim amet eius ab, excepturi velit libero. Quae enim perspiciatis voluptatem ut odio voluptatum adipisci, voluptatibus consequatur.
Accordion Item 3
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Illo laborum nemo itaque voluptates perspiciatis quasi neque deserunt explicabo accusamus hic? Ullam libero eligendi, reiciendis neque architecto voluptates explicabo possimus quo.

Don’t use an accordion if there isn’t enough content to condense.

Types of accordion

Grouped accordion

A grouped accordion helps users quickly understand related information.

You can set the accordion to be open by default if you want users to see the content, but also give the flexibility to hide it.

Content in collapsed accordions is visually hidden and cannot be tabbed to or read out by keyboard and screen reader users.

You can link the state of grouped accordions so that when the user opens one, the accordion that’s currently open is collapsed.

Don’t restrict the number of open sections if users need to compare the content.

Accordion with footer

Current active theme is Sainsbury's. You can see all developer documentation on our Fable Storybook site.

Content guidelines

Make accordion titles concise and descriptive, and make sure it’s clear what content to expect when opened.


Full product details


More information

Start titles with a capital letter. You can end titles with a question mark (for example if you’re creating an FAQ), but don’t end them with commas, semicolons or full stops.


What if there's a problem with my delivery?


What to do if there's a problem with your delivery...

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Our team can answer any questions about using accordions or give you a helping hand with your next project.
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